Self Defense Against BS

Don’t Be the “Fallacy Guy”

Nobody is impressed that you know a few Latin phrases, dorkwad. Nor is that an "ad hominem".

Arguing with Idiots: a Brief Guide

People who tell you not to argue with idiots are probably idiots. Here's a handy guide on how to do it properly without being an idiot yourself.

On Remaining Unbiased in the Age of Bullshit

The media needs to stop catering to both confirmation bias and the temper-tantrums of those who abuse it.

Know Your Bullshit – Magnified Minority

A magnified minority is a type of bullshit in which a group of people on the fringes of an area of expertise is gathered to disingenuously misrepresent or undermine the consensus of that field. Here's how that works.

Know Your Bullshit: Firehosing

If you feel like it's getting harder and harder to keep up with the stream of BS, that's because it is, and that's on purpose.

Why Your Social Media Groups are Making You Dumber

Social media covers up the fact that half of us are not nearly so bright as the other half and very few of us are as smart as we think we are.

Fighting is Easy, Winning is Hard – The Same Goes for Arguing

Why internet arguments almost always become puerile shouting matches that solve nothing and are as satisfying as trying to eat a bowl of steam.

Crawl Out of Your Cave

If we’re going to make it as a species we need to devote time to more than staring at our own navels and the little boxes we hold in front of them.

Mental Weakness and the “Just World” Fallacy

If you believe the world is "just", in its very nature, you have no personal responsibility to pursue making it better.

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