
Belief in Astrology Predicted by Narcissism and Lower Intelligence

Narcissism and a lack of intelligence predicts one's belief in Astrology. Who'd have guessed? (Not the horoscope section, that's for sure.)

TransHuman: Your No BS guide to Laurel Hubbard and the Olympics

I am going to regret writing this. I already know and accept that. There is no way to touch upon this issue without really pissing...

German Anti-Lockdown Protest Leader Catches Covid and Dies

Man who played a leading role in a German anti-lockdown protest is put on artificial ventilation 8 days later, and dies.

Covid Denialist Physician Steven LaTulippe Stripped of License

The Oregon physician who bragged about not wearing masks in his office is no longer a physician in Oregon.

No, the “Danish Study” Doesn’t Say What Anti-Maskers Claim

Misrepresenting the findings of a scientific paper should earn you a swift kick in your gonads. We volunteer as tributes.

Is solar really the cheapest energy source in history?

News is going around that solar energy is the cheapest energy source in history. That may not be entirely correct...

Microaggressions and Nematodes: The Scientific Worm Community Goes Karen Over a Joke

Save your face by sitting on your palms while reading this. Scroll with your feet or something.

Here’s Why Conspiracy Theorists Won’t Follow Public Health Guidelines

The saddest thing about a conspiracy mindset is the part where imagining everyone is out to get you implies your life matters to someone else.

Scientific Proof Why You Shouldn’t Text Unsolicited Pics of your Junk, Creep-o

If the fates of the Harvey Weinsteins and Louis C.K.s of the world didn't convince you, maybe Science will.

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