
Anatomy of a Catastrophe

There are a lot of opinions floating around about Kyle Rittenhouse and his actions. Normally when we have an emotionally charged series of events like those surrounding young Mister Rittenhouse, the first and most immediate of these opinions can be quickly parsed into a few easy categories.

Mental Weakness and the “Just World” Fallacy

If you believe the world is "just", in its very nature, you have no personal responsibility to pursue making it better.

Cancel Culture vs. Free Speech

Sunlight is the best disinfectant—at least for bad ideas—as the saying goes. The way to combat bad ideas is through an injection of spirited debate and empirical evidence directly into the veins of the culture.

On Values: Be Divisive, Not Indecisive

“I have never agreed with Jefferson once. We have fought on like 75 different fronts. But when all is said and done…Jefferson has beliefs;...

The Dunning-Kruger Dunning-Kruger Effect

If you've never even read the abstract from David Dunning and Justin Kruger's "Unskilled and Unaware of it" but still insist on referring to the Dunning-Kruger Effect to try and dunk on someone, there's a good chance you fall under its purview.

Oh You’re an INTJ? STFU – The Myers-Briggs Test is BS

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is basically astrology for slightly-less-dumb people. Nonetheless, it's probably the most popular personality assessment in the world.

This is Why You Can’t Change Someone’s Mind With Facts

You're arguing politics with a random stranger on the Internet, reasonably sharing facts that support your argument while asking for them to do the...

This Article Proves I’m Right and You’re Wrong

After extensive research backed by longitudinal meta-analysis and careful cross-sectional population sampling, a team of academics and scientists have recently published a groundbreaking study...

How to Win the Annual Family Fight at the Thanksgiving Table

This year's turkey day table conversation is going to be fire. Bring gasoline.

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