Grappling 40+

Probably Get Some Heat For This…

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Teaching the white belt class tonight, I said it more than times than I remember. How many times...

Frames – Not Just For Pretty Pictures.

Over the years, I've changed my game drastically. I used to love passing loose, and use my athletic ability to pass guard, go for...

Teaching Yourself How To Suck Less

Depending on your level, teaching is one of the pillars of growing as a Grappler. Teaching is learning twice. If you have had the...

First Time Poster Long Time Grappler

It's 9:53pm on a Wednesday. I finished Jiu Jitsu around 8:30, sat out the last hour, tired. But I sparred today. First time in...

Latest articles

50 Ranking Conspiracy Theories: Tier List

For our 50th episode, we invited a few people to join in live and help us rank a set of popular conspiracy theories on their threat value to society brought by people who sincerely believe in them.

49 The Fandom Grievance—Grifters

If you have an internet connection (which you do, otherwise you're reading this in the far future via gravitational waves or sophons or something),...

48 Aaaaaaahhhh (yes, that’s the title of this one)

In this episode we discuss the burning dumpster clown assault rifle rodeo that is America right now, and Phrost nearly gets himself canceled over a "hard-R".

47 Into the Manosphere

In this episode, Phrost and Jack do a short dive into the "Manosphere" —the corner of the internet that targets emotionally vulnerable dudes (mostly younger), and exploits that vulnerability to sell them garbage supplements, "how to get a date" programs, and much worse.