49 The Fandom Grievance—Grifters

If you have an internet connection (which you do, otherwise you’re reading this in the far future via gravitational waves or sophons or something), you’re probably aware that a significant portion of any fandom is wet garbage on a hot day—and we’re not just describing the smell at your local convention.

And as we’ve been pointing out for the past several decades here on Bullshido, where there are sad, pathetic losers, there are the people who make their livelihoods preying on them by validating their garbage opinions. No bro, it’s not your fault nobody invites you to the panel discussion, “they” are out to get you.

In this episode, Phrost and Jack discuss a few examples of these people, such as “The Critical Drinker”, explain the history of the weaponization and monitization of nerds, incels, and related losers, and try not to cut back on the profanity… and fail at that, and then fail at bleeping it out in the audio, because fuck it.

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Why are you even reading this part? This is like the back of a shampoo bottle. Go read another article or something.
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