
The Time-Travelers guide to the worst timeline, Chapter 2

The philosophy in our timeline is trash. Here's how much better it could be on other timelines. Via our own combat philosopher, Steve Mix

The Time Traveler’s Guide to the Worst Timeline

Congratulations, traveler! You have managed to find your way into the worst timeline. Feel free to panic. Essay on the low-key horror of our current reality, by Steve Mix

Capitol Riots: Anatomy of a Catastrophe II – Electoral Boogaloo

Scrapper again deconstructs the failures that lead to the latest major catastrophe befalling the United States, the how, why, and what the f

The Zipper Merge, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Traffic Engineers

No, you're not being a nice guy by getting in line as soon as possible, you're making everyone's commute take longer.

Failure is Part of the Process

How mixed martial arts can teach us to correct the problems in our decision making and thought processes.

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