21 Year End Podcast – 2020 Final Thoughts and F-Words

In the last podcast of 2020, Phrost and Submessenger review and ruminate on the events and hot-button topics of the past year, from culture war skirmishes to natural and man-made catastrophes.

Watch below, or subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Podcasts

Topics include:

  • Which celebrity death should you care about, if any?
  • Which game show host should have died instead of Alex Trebek?
  • What role should shame play in changing public behavior?
  • Why and how both sides of the political spectrum weaponize postmodernism
  • and the difference between conspiracies and conspiracy theories.
Bullshido News
Bullshido News
Why are you even reading this part? This is like the back of a shampoo bottle. Go read another article or something.
The Art of Fighting BS Podcast on Spotify

The Art of Fighting BS Podcast on iTunes

The Art of Fighting BS Podcast on Google Play

The Art of Fighting BS Podcast on Stitcher

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