Monkeys with Smaller Testicles Compensate by Screaming Louder

Filed under “Testosterone” and “Social Media”: could this explain some of the comments on our Facebook page?

From the article on Discover Magazine:

Researchers used laser surface scanning to build 3-D anatomical models of hyoids from 255 male and female howler monkey specimens housed in various museums. They also analyzed the monkeys’ group dynamics based on literature published on each of the species they studied. They discovered a negative correlation between the size of males’ hyoids and the size of their testes, which points to the calls having a role in reproduction, not just communication and scaring away predators.

So maybe we don’t need Mark Zuckerberg to start checking for non-Human accounts just yet, but we’re still going to imply a little correlation because it’s funny, and because a lot of the comments on our FB page really do suck.

Bullshido News
Bullshido News
Why are you even reading this part? This is like the back of a shampoo bottle. Go read another article or something.
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