Man Attempts to use Chi to Block Punches

And if “Chi” were the Chinese word for “Face”, he’d have been successful…

That won’t stop us from sharing this, or laughing about it. Seriously, I guess we should give the guy props for putting his beliefs (and his face) to an empirical test unlike so many others who subscribe to this form of nonsense. As the saying that we like to repeat a lot around here goes:

“If your life can’t be a shining example, at least it can be a dire warning”.

Anyway, here’s the video of old boy getting mollywhopped:

We believe the video–sent in by a subscriber–was made in Russia, but we’re not 100% sure. Could have been Florida, or as we like to think of it “Tropical Russia”.

I don't write articles for people who read the New York Times or Nature, I write articles for people who read microwave pizza instructions more than once but are significantly more dangerous as a group. Head Knuckle at Bullshido.
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