Alex Jones Supplements Are Bullshit

In other news, water: wet, frog sexuality: undetermined.

Following John Oliver’s segment about Alex Jones and his ridiculous-yet-dangerous nonsense, a hero at Buzzfeed named Charlie Warzel decided to send the supplements Jones hocks on his show–to his army gullible nitwits and rubes–to the independent testing facility Here’s the summary of their results:

The 6 products we tested are most likely free from spiked drugs and stimulants and are “clean” in terms of the heavy metal contaminants we tested for. However, the science behind many of their claimed ingredients are questionable. In some cases, the dosing would too low to be appropriately effective.

Alex Jones No Shirt
We have no idea what the context of this is, but just wanted to remind you this guy sells health supplements

A Fool and His Money

That’s the good news. The bad news, aside from the fact that someone who rants about “inter-dimensional child molesters” is selling a product called “Child Ease”, is this:

In other cases, specialized forms of ingredients turned out to be simple, and relatively cheap formulations, albeit effective in certain cases.

Basically, you could obtain all these for yourself  by going to your local grocery store’s vitamin aisle at a fraction of the cost. Any of the cognitively-challenged gits who send this huckster their money are paying upwards of 400% mark-up… just like the suckers they are, while Jones cackles all the way to the bank.

The full report from Labdoor can be found here.

*For those of you who didn’t get the frog sexuality joke:

Full article on Buzzfeed

I don't write articles for people who read the New York Times or Nature, I write articles for people who read microwave pizza instructions more than once but are significantly more dangerous as a group. Head Knuckle at Bullshido.
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